Comfortable looks good on you.

Comfort is at the root of everything we do at Andie. It’s a feeling that not only empowers, but also inspires true confidence. Our main goal as the ultimate swimwear destination is to make swimsuit shopping a breeze. This is where the Swimsuit Superheroes come in – a group of 65 women from all walks of life who came out of their comfort zones to help you find your perfect suit - featuring the Amalfi.This is what everyday comfort means to them:

See it in my Size:

girl wearing black swimsuitgirl wearing black swimsuit

"Taking the twist out of my hair and walking the dog."

Aashana, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Alessandra, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Alexandra, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Comfort is not feeling restricted."

Alex, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Allison, Size XS

girl wearing black swimsuit

"Wearing something that feels like it's not even there."

Amy, Size L

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you

Andie, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

"Being myself."

Andrea, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

"Yoga pants and hanging out with my cats."

Andrea P., Size L

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Physical comfort is mental comfort."

Anna, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling confident in myself every day."

Anupama, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Comfort is looking my best while also feeling good."

Ariana, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"A baggy t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers."

Ashley, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling comfortable in your skin."

Aurelia, Size XL

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Something I don't have to think about I have on."

Brielle, Size XS

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Soft clothes and a comfy couch."

Bronwyn, Size M

woman wearing a black swimsuitwoman wearing a black swimsuit

"It's always been jeans and a t-shirt."

Caitlin, Size XL

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Fitting well in my clothing."

Carly, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Letting my personality shine through it all."

Caroline, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Carolyn, Size L

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"It's athleisure loungewear, and anything flowy."

Cathy, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Chu, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Being proud of the body that I'm privileged to be in."

Courtney, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Gloria, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Danielle, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"A simple, stylish, but classic look."

Ivy, Size XXL

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Jackie, Size M

Anything that’s the color black.woman wearing black swimsuit

"Anything that's the color black."

Jen, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Jen P., Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Jinnie., Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Comfort is feeling confident in whatever I'm wearing."

Jessica., Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Anything that makes me feel sexy and unrestricted."

Jocelyn., Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"It's anything that allows me to do things with ease."

Joelle., Size L

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"It's a beautiful, second skin."

Julie., Size S

woman wearing black swimsuit

"It's accessibility and being able to move freely."

Kelly., Size XXL

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"I used to think beauty is pain, but that's dead."

Kira, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

Comfortable looks good on you.

Krissy, Size XL

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling like I'm not hiding behind a wall."

Lauren, Size L

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling good about yourself."

Lori, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuit

"It's anything that feels good."

Lydia, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"It's being my true self."

Marissa, Size L

woman wearing black swimsuit

"Being myself in whatever I'm wearing and wherever I'm standing."

Megan, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Being in my PJs with a warm cup of coffee."

Meital, Size XS

"Lounging on my couch and watching Netflix."

Melody, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Looking good and feeling good."

Miriam, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling confident in what you're wearing."

Natasha, Size S

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Feeling cozy at home."

Norah, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Making sure I put my best self forward every day."

Phoebe, Size M

woman wearing black swimsuitwoman wearing black swimsuit

"Not having to constantly adjust what I'm wearing."

Rachael, Size XS

woman wearing a black swimsuitwoman wearing a black swimsuit

"Not having to constantly adjust what I'm wearing."

Rachel, Size XXL